Ivan Slavov
1952 – Was born in Sofia.
1978 – Graduated from the National Art Academy,
Major in Sculpture with Professor Dimiter Daskalov.
1980 – organized his first art exhibition in Sofia
Since 1993 has been lecturing at the National
Art Academy in Sofia.
2004 – Professor in sculpture, Metal Department,
National Art Academy
Ivan Slavov has been an active contributor in major joint art
forums and exhibitions in Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal,
Romania, Poland, Hungary, Syria, Belgium, etc. His works are
featured in the collections of the National Art Gallery, Sofia
Art Gallery, galleries across the country, the Ludwig collection
in Germany, the Voeten collection in Belgium, the City
Hall in Konstanz, Germany and a number of private collections
in Italy, Greece, Poland, Germany, Denmark,
the Netherlands and Bulgaria.