


"Morphogenesis" (2022) is a captivating short non-narrative film directed by Bozhidar Savov, featuring an original soundtrack, composed and recorded by him. The film is a meditation on the questions of what the form is and what is its nature.

With its evocative soundtrack seamlessly integrated into the visual narrative, Bozhidar’s work leaves the question which came first - the music or the film. The complex sonic composition blends perfectly with the monochromatic shots during a 20-minute introspective journey.
Bozhidar Savov is a sound and visual artist and scholarship holder in NBU. His creative work is focused on electronic music, composition and sound art. Coming from a drummer background, Bozhidar is now best known for his solo project “сбогом хиляди” where he explores the field of abstract and surreal music.
In his work, he touches on the themes of the subconscious, spirituality, ritualism.
Curator: Yoanna Laskova