Stefan Lyutakov
1955 – Was born in the town of Pazardzhik.
1974 – Graduated from the Fine Arts High School
“Ilia Petrov” in Sofia.
1980 – Graduated from St.Cyril and St. Methodius
University of Veliko Turnovo, Major in Sculpture.
1985 – Became member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists
in Bulgaria.
Since 1990 has been lecturing in Sculpture at
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo.
2007 – Head of the Sculpture Department of the Fine Arts School
of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo.
Stefan Lyutakov has an impressive record of over twenty art shows
in Bulgaria and abroad. He has participated in a number of significant
forums in Bulgaria, China, Romania, Austria, and Germania.
His works are proudly owned by the National Art Gallery, Sofia City
Gallery, by a number of art galleries across the country and private
collections in France, USA, Switzerland, Poland, Peter Ludwig
Museum (Germany), the Hugo Voeten collection in Belgium, etc.